Keeping You Out Of Court


Years Providing Legal Services In Saskatchewan
What Does It Mean To

Keep You Out Of Court

Among the lawyers of Transitions Legal Solutions are some of the most experienced collaborative lawyers in Saskatchewan.

Collaborative law is a method of resolving legal issues with the help of lawyers but without going to court.

All those involved must commit to work together in a non-adversarial way to reach solutions that work for everyone.

Early Family Dispute Resolution

Court should not be your first choice. In Saskatchewan, except in some limited circumstances, you must try to resolve your family law issues outside of court.

There are four processes to choose from: Collaborative law, mediation, family law arbitration, and/or parenting coordination. Parenting coordination is only available if you already have a parenting agreement, court order, or judgment. More information about these processes can be found here.

We offer a reduced fee for an initial consultation to discuss your process options and make a recommendation based on your unique circumstances.


Choose Collaborative Divorce

Our collaborative divorce lawyers explain complex things in easy-to-understand ways so that you can make good decisions while keeping control of your life.

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